Office for New Americans
Welcome to the U.S. and New York State! We are eager for you to become part of our New York State family. We are here to share the resources you need to help you reach your full potential.
The Office of New Americans (ONA) was established to assist newcomers to New York State and to help new Americans fully participate in New York State civic and economic life. The Center hosts three Office for New Americans programs: The Office for New Americans Opportunity Center, the Immigrant Resource Program, and the NYS Professional Pathways Program. We are so excited for you to take advantage of these services!
Program Highlights
- Naturalization application assistance
- Legal consultation
- Immigration law and policy workshops
- Community workshops and training
- Citizenship classes
- ESOL referrals
- Roundtable discussions
- Personal advising and career guidance for immigrants with degrees and/or professional work experience
- Training and certification opportunities in high-demand fields
- To ensure newcomers receive reliable information and culturally appropriate resources to successfully integrate and thrive in their new community.
- Connecting essential services and resources to assist immigrants in their integration process.
- Providing tailored information sessions and training to address topics of interest and needs.
Key Contact Information
Immigrant Resource Coordinator
Dan Vellone, Job Coach, NYS Professional Pathways Program
Liz Gustafson, ONA Opportunity Center (Citizenship Assistance & Legal Consultation)

What is the ONA Opportunity Center?
The ONA Opportunity Center supports new Americans by providing assistance with naturalization/citizenship and immigration legal services, as well as community education programming:
- Expand English-for-Speakers-of-Other-Languages (ESOL)
- Help eligible youth participate in the new federal deferred action process
- Support interested eligible new Americans through the naturalization application process
- Open entrepreneurship opportunities to new Americans
ONA Opportunity Centers partner with other community-based and government agencies to coordinate and/or host additional programming and support for new American communities. These sites are the focal point for communities to embrace new Americans by volunteering their valuable time to support newcomers. The Office for New Americans Opportunity Center was established in Utica in 2012.
What is the ONA Immigrant Resource Program?
The ONA Immigrant Resource Program is a statewide initiative that supports immigrant and refugee communities in the Mohawk Valley Region. Its primary objective is to ensure newcomers receive reliable information and culturally appropriate resources to successfully integrate and thrive in their new community. As part of this program, we work with a network of dedicated immigrant volunteers who play a crucial role in various activities, including:
- Connecting essential services and resources to assist immigrants in their integration process.
- Providing tailored information sessions and training to address topics of interest and needs.
The immigrant Resource Coordinator leads roundtable discussions with traditional and non-traditional immigration allies to address the challenges and opportunities the immigrant communities face.
What does the NYS Professional Pathways Program do?
The NYS Professional Pathways program enables high-skilled immigrants to overcome barriers to professional development through the screening, training, and/or re-credentialing of participants and the identification of job placement opportunities for low-income immigrants in six regions of the state.
Who has access to ONA Services?
All new Americans can access ONA Opportunity Center Services for assistance with English classes, the naturalization process, business development, and community information.
New Americans can access the ONA Community Navigator Program for additional support with accessing services.
Organizations and businesses can access the ONA Community Navigator programs to learn more about how they can assist and engage with low-income immigrant and refugee communities. -
Does ONA charge for legal consultation?
Legal consultations with the Office for New Americans are FREE. Legal consultations are available twice a month by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call to schedule an appointment.
I do not live in Utica or near your office, can you still help me?
Yes, you can contact our office for assistance with immigration paperwork and citizenship applications.
For an immigration legal services, contact the New Americans Hotline at 800.566.7636.
Can you help me with my naturalization (citizenship) application?
Yes. The ONA Opportunity Center provides assistance with naturalization/citizenship and other immigration applications. A BIA accredited representative available through The Center’s immigration and citizenship office will assist eligible clients with the completion of naturalization applications. To schedule an appointment, please contact Citizenship Coordinator, Kim Jastremski.
I need a lawyer for immigration, can ONA help me?
The ONA Opportunity Center partners with the Hiscock Legal Aid Society to provide legal consultation days at The Center for Oneida and Herkimer County residents twice a month. Immigration attorneys can meet with clients, by appointment, to discuss their particular cases and concerns. ONA provides a confidential meeting space and in-person interpretation, as needed. To schedule an appointment, please contact ONA Project Coordinator, Liz Gustafson.
I need help studying for the citizenship exam, can ONA help me?
Yes. We have classes and individual volunteers who can work with you. Citizenship classes are provided to help prepare clients for their citizenship exam. Classes focus on the necessary English language skills, as well as relevant topics in United States civics, history, and government.
Classes are held at the following locations on certain days:
- Mondays and Wednesdays 10am-12pm at The Center (201 Bleecker St. Utica NY).
Individual mock (practice) interviews are also available by appointment. To schedule a practice interview, please contact ONA Project Coordinator, Liz Gustafson.
To schedule an appointment for application assistance, you can contact Citizenship Coordinator Kim Jastremski
I need help studying English, can ONA help me?
Yes! ONA clients in need of English language instruction will be referred to local ESOL providers. Please visit our Adult Learning page for more information.